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25 December 2011

6 Tips for Mastering the Dog Walk

1. Position matters.
Walk in front of your dog allows you to be seen as the pack leader and vice-versa. You should be the first to walk out and in from the door. Your dog should be beside or behind you during the walk.
2. Use a short dog leash.
This allows you to have more control. Attach the leash to the top of the neck can help you to communicate, guide, and correct your dog in an easier way. Always keep your dog's safety in mind when giving corrections.
3. Set aside time.
Walking in the morning is better. Set aside thirty minutes to a full hour. The specific needs of each dog may be different. Consult your vet and keep an eye on your dog's behaviour to see if its needs are being met.
4. Define exploration time.
Reward your dog by allowing it to relieve itself and sniff around after your dog has maintained the proper state of mind. The reward time should always less than the time spent focus on the walk.
5. Don't punch out.
Don't stop leading when you get home. Have your dog wait patiently while you are putting away its leash or take off your shoes.
6. Share food and water.
You have allowed your dog to "work" for food and water by providing a meal after the walk.

Merry Christmas bud.

- Dalmation  making-sweetness


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