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04 December 2011

Phone's ringing ~

Who's calling?
There are times when you can't hear the phone ringing, but if you play this game a few times, your dog will become your very own personal assistant and answer it for you!

What you need
  • Family member or friend
  • Mobile phone, microwave or cooker alarm
  • Healthy treats
  • Optional extras: training whistle, clicker

What to do
      Playing this game could promote nuisance-barking, so avoid it if your dog is already a barker. However, if you own a calm dog, the game is a great way of teaching him how to let you know, with a single bark, whenever the phone rings. The training works through reward association. Use your mobile phone when you start teaching him. Most mobiles have a range of ring tones, enabling you to choose a distinctive one that he will recognize during training.

      Ask a family member or friend who is in your home to call your mobile phone on your pre-arranged signal. When the ring tone starts, sound your training whistle ( if you have one) and call your dog to you, giving him a treat. Ignore him immediately after this episode, then repeat the excercise five minutes later. This time, say 'WOOF' to him when he comes. If your dog woofs back, give him a treat.

      Repeat the process, but this time don't use a whistle and see how he reacts. If he comes to you and barks when the phone rings, give him a treat and say 'GOOD BOY'.

      Your dog will soon get the idea and will come to tell you that you're wanted on the phone and when you're putting out the rubbish, having a shower or listening to loud music. The game can also be played to teach your dog to inform you about other household noises, such as the microwave  pinging or the oven alarm going off.

-Akita making-sweetness


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